This month I attended my final degree show and the Animation Exposé at the University of Hertfordshire. A selection of the best final year projects across all four pathways of the UH Animation degree program were showcased to staff, students and industry professionals.
Prizes were awarded for the best projects in 2D animation, 3D animation, Games Art & VFX. I was nominated for best comic prize for my final project, Reality Hackers.

It was a really special day. Essentially this was the culmination of three years’ intensive study and practice (okay mostly practice) at UH. Moreover, it was very emotional. Many of us have fostered close friendships here, and this event marked the beginning of a transition to another era. It’s difficult to think that it was only three years ago that we all first met!
My experience on this degree program was truly life-changing. Through this degree I learned not only about animation and drawing, but a great deal about myself, my values and goals. I also met some seriously awesome individuals – both students and members of staff!
I wish everyone the best for their future careers!